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Key Work System

We operate a Key-Worker system here at Honeybees Preschool. Through our Key person approach, we ensure that children develop strong relationship with adults working with them in the Preschool. The key-worker provides support to the child that promotes the child’s self-esteem, self-reliance, resilience and emotional well-being. We recognise every child’s individuality, efforts and achievements and we believe that relationships between adults and children are crucial for the child’s happiness and security.

The key-worker builds special relationship with a small group of children whilst supporting the children to meet their individual learning and developmental needs. They also help them to develop relationship with other members of staff and their peers. The key-worker supports the child through transitioning to school, by preparing them to be ready for school through regular observation and assessment.

The key persons offer security, reassurance and continuity. They also share information with the parents / carers about their child’s experiences and development in the preschool. Our staff will at all times maintain a courteous and professional attitude towards children, parents, carers and other staff members.

British Values is not about cultures, it is about promoting a tolerant, democratic society where freedom of speech lives comfortably alongside respect for all.

At Honeybees Preschool, we encourage children to see their role in the activities, let them know that their views count and teach them to value each other. They are encouraged to vote on topics for example, which book to read, activities that involve taking turns, sharing and working together. Children are given opportunity to ask questions and response provided, to extend their learning.

Our children understand that rules matter – we create rules and codes of behaviour around our daily routine. We ensure that children understand their own and others behaviour and are supported to distinguish right from wrong. Examples include agreeing rules for tidying up and taking turns and respect for others during activities.

We provide opportunities for children to develop self-knowledge, self-esteem and increase self-Confidence in their own abilities such as taking turns in mixing colours, talking about their experiences and learning. We encourage a range of experiences that allow children to explore the language of feeling and responsibility, reflect on their differences and understand that we are free to have different opinions.

Children are supported to treat others as they would want to be treated. We create an ethos of inclusivity and tolerance where views, faiths, cultures and races are valued and children are engaged with the wider community. We help children to acquire tolerance and appreciation for their own and other cultures, know about similarities and differences.

We encourage the importance of tolerant behaviours such as sharing and respecting others opinions, promoting diverse attitudes and challenging stereotypes by sharing stories that reflect and value the children’s diversity.

Your Child’s Day

Your child’s day will consist of lots of fun, exciting and engaging activities and, experiences where he/she can learn and develop in various areas through play. We focus efforts on developing children in 7 key areas as outlined in the revised Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) which is a government framework for learning. The aim is to ensure that every child is given the opportunity to learn through high quality play to the best of their ability. Here at Honeybees Preschool, we recognise that every child develops at their own pace therefore, we strive to identify and support children to develop their skills within the seven areas of learning and development whilst taking into account their individual learning needs.

Below is a snap shot of your child’s day…

Drop Off Time

The morning starts with the hustle and bustle of arrivals, with breakfast being offered to the children. Our Preschool practitioners are experienced in settling children into the setting so drop off is a crucial time for you to update us on any information regarding your child that would help the child maximise their play opportunity during the day..


The morning consists of child and adult led activities. There is also a time for children to have special time with their key persons to further extend their learning in more specific ways. They are encouraged to join in or select an activity or area of play that they particularly enjoy both indoors and out door.


Meal time is usually a special time between the children and adults working with them. It is a social occasion where staff would sit down with children to eat and talk about the importance of food and drinks. Children only attending morning session would have their snacks/meal at 10.00am. Afternoon children would have their snacks/meal together with the children attending from 8.30am to 3.00pm (Full Session) at 12.00pm. Parents are to provide children with pack lunch, while we provide children with snacks, fruits and drinks at snacks time. We aim to ensure your child enjoys a range of different healthy snacks/ fruits and meals.

Sleep Time

Although we aim at providing quality play time for all children, younger children age 2 – 3 years would be given the opportunity to have a nap whenever they want to. Also, we would work with parents/ carers to establish a routine that suits children’s specific needs.


Throughout the afternoon your child will enjoy a range of activities designed to enable them to play and explore, discover and grow, learn and understand. Every activity will be tailored to their liking and they will be encouraged to build their confidence and understanding through praise, recognition and support until home time.

Home Time

When you arrive to take your child home, our staff will be available to share information about your child, pass on any important messages and to chat with you about what they are learning and how they are developing. We will only allow your child to leave with an appointed person unless you have informed us otherwise and completed the necessary documentation. We will require evidence of the person’s identity on arrival at the setting and an agreed password will be asked for. It is important that your child is collected promptly at the agreed time. Please contact the Preschool if you know you are going to be late. Late collection fees apply.